Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Irish Twins

Someone was asking me about this the other day and I had to share. YES! They are 11.5 months apart! YES! We know how this happens!

And by the way, do you think the term "Irish Twins" offends the Irish?

Monday, November 05, 2007

A little update on Reed

Okay, so I have decided to do a little update on each of the kids as not to overwhelm you or me! Up first is Reed since he tunred 18 months old yesterday - that's right! He is now 1 1/2!!!

Mr. Reed is about 29-30 lbs. these days and proudly wearing a size 2T! YES, strangers at the mall, grocery store,... He IS a big boy! He can talk so well that his pediactrician was blown away. He can repeat most of what we say, uses sentences, follows commands, and finally understands the words coming out of our mouths - it rocks! He must realize he's the youngest and we are a little busy because he can handle himself. Take him to the playground and he can get himself up and down, go down the slide on his own, and even wants to ride the big kid swing. But do not cross him or he will literally yell at you. Guess the 3rd kid's got to demand our attention!

He enjoys giving kisses to everyone and everything (think Halloween pumpkins!) And he still walks like he just started. We like to say he's just following his feet as they are obviously in control. And Reed and Jack finally like each other! Before, they were mostly in competition for the same toys but now I think they like each other. They even hold hands in the car!

And Reed's big news is - he has moved to a toddler bed!!! Not by my choice (Camden and Jack moved over closer to 2) but he was crawling out of his crib and wouldn't stay in it. It seemed more dangerous to allow him to keep climbing out. So we took the front rail off his crib and added the guard and a pillow and there he is! Happy as can be! And that's an update on our little Reed! Gotta love him - look at those eyes!!!

By the way, the brown bear in the pictures is Reed's main man, RJ!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Our Halloween chaos!

Oh man! Do I LOVE Halloween! Every year we make the same meal - sloppy joe's, chips, veggies and dip, cupcakes. Just a little tradition! And for the least 3 years we have been going to the Fall Festival at Camden and Jack's preschool. So that's how we rolled this year, too!

We had dinner with my parents, by brother and his fiance, my sister-in-law, the Cooper's, and the Dyer's. We ate lots of food and then headed out to the Fall Festival - which is in our neighborhood (how convenient!) My played games, saw friends from preschool, jumped in the moon bounce, rode the train, and got lots of candy and prizes. Then off to trick-or-treat! The kids basically walked home the long way and hit every house they could! The crazy 4 year olds eventually learned not to run, not to ring the doorbell 15 times, and to say thank you. The 2 year olds just followed in awe of free candy. And the 1 year olds had to ride in their stollers most of the way beacuse the parents had their hands full (not big fans.) Overall, it was very successful and we have way too much candy!

Did I mention that Halloween was then end of a very busy couple of days that included Fall Festival at Tatyana's school, The Goodwyn's 5th Annual Halloween Bash, and a trip to Busch Gardens in Williamsbug? I am STILL tired!

Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Halloween is almost here!

Oh, you all know how much I LOVE me some Halloween!!! Here a a few quick shots of Camden and Jack in costume. Reed can't sit still long enough for his picture to be taken! Camden is a bride (she's thrilled but not my choice), Jack is a fireman (he loves firetrucks as much as air), and Reed is either a lion or a dalmation (can't decide.) We're also building a fireturck to fit over the stroller - hope it turns out!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Okay, so no post in quite awhile! Here is a quick, easy, and hopefully fun one!

4 Jobs I’ve Held
1. Stay-at-home-Mom (hardest & BEST one)
2. Social worker
3. Retail clerk
4. Temp (oh, the fun)

4 Films I Could Watch Over and Over
1. Steel Magnolia's
2. The Wedding Crashers
That's it - I really don't like to re-watch movies)

4 TV Shows I Watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Law & Order: SVU
3. Law & Order: CI
4. Lost

4 Places I’ve Lived
1. Richmond, VA
2. Daytona Beach, FL
3. Atlanta, GA
4. Hagerstown, MD

4 Favorite Foods
1. Aything Mexican
2. Pizza
3. Chick-fil-a (it's fast and has a play area)
4. Brownies

4 Websites I Visit Everyday
1. Celebrity Baby Blog(
2. Peyton's website (
3. Us Weekly (
4. Baby Center Birth Clubs (

4 Favorite Colors
1. Purple
2. Pink (Camden has turned me onto it)
3. Red
4. Black

4 Places I Would Love to Be Right Now
1. Taking a nap
2. Paris
3. Florida
4. A spa

4 Names I Love But Would/Could Not Use for my Children
1. Olivia (Olivia Olowiany - yeah right)
2. Any names my friends have stolen (ha-ha)
3. Anything really different as Olowiany is already "different"
4. An animals name - too weird (you know like Marly, Henry, Abby,...)

Hope this was neat!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bubba goes to school (AKA Jack)

My big man did it! He went to preschool today for the first time. He was supposed to start on Tuesday bad had a nasty virus. So now we're calling him the "school skipper" - kinda like his Mommy!

Jack had a hard time with me leaving but the teachers swear he was fine after the first few minutes. He's a bit of a Momma's boy!

Also, he's not much into telling me what he does yet (remember: limited vocabulary.) But he did answer my questions so here it it and it's much different than Camden's explanation of her first day.

Me: Did you color today?
J: Yes.

Me: Did you eat a snack?
J: Yes.

Me: What did you eat for snack?
J: Fish (goldfish.)

Me: Did you have anything to drink?
J: Yes, water.

Me: Did you play outside?
J: Yes.

Me: Did you see Sissy?
J: Yes.

Me: Was school fun?
J: Yes.

Me: Do you want to go back?
J: NO!

So there you have it! School was fun today but he had enough! Also, Camden told me that she saw him on the playground and he wouldn't come to her side to see her. And he was playing with the boys in his class. Leave it to Camden to tell me all about Jack's day!

On another note, Reed and I had our first real morning without anyone else and it was HEAVEN! We went to play at the mall play area, had lunch, and walked. It was so nice to be just the 2 of us and SO EASY with just 1 kiddo. It was a really special time for us - Reed was all smiles!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Camden's first day of preschool

Conversations with 4 year olds ROCK!

Me: How was school today?
C: Great! We take naps in the 4 year old class!

Me: Why?
C: Because being 4 is a lot of work!
Me: I agree, 4's are a lot of work!

Me: Do you like your teachers?
C: Oh yeah, Mrs. Franklin's face is differemt from last year. She has the same body but her head is different. (She has a new haircut)

Me: What did you do?
C: We colored, played outside, played home living (house), and I told Lyssie I love her.
Me: That's sweet! Did she tell you she loves you, too?
C: Yes! We love each other! (How cute is that?)

Me: Did you introduce yourselves in class?
C: Yep, I told them I am Camden and I like to eat and drink!

It doesn't get any better than that! This year, Camden goes 5 1/2 days a week. Only one more year until the dreaded Kindergarden!

I will post about vacation tomorrow. Lots of stuff to share but zero pictures - guess I was relaxing too much!

Movin' on up...

To the sky! Okay, we're not the Jefferson's (hence the song reference) but Eddie has moved up career wise! Eddie got a new store effective 9/1! He has moved from the Willow Lawn store to Innsbrook (only a few more minutes to his drive.) He is so excited! He has been wanting a change and this is a bigger store with a lot of potential. And it's a great way for him to show the bosses what he's really capable of which will be helpful in any further promotions. We are very proud of him!!!

Translation to the kids: Daddy no longer works next to Krispy Kreme. Now he works next to Dairy Queen. They are very excited! But made it clear they still want to visit "Hot Doughnuts Now!"

Finally, an update!

First of all, it's time for a much needed update! Second of all, I need to post on "the baby!" Not exactly a baby, but he is the youngest. Reed turned 16 months old last week and is keeping right up with his big brother. He says a ton of words like: Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Bubba, bear, ketchup, yes, NO, baby out, good night, hello, shoe, cup, cookie. His pediatrician is amazed because she says that most kids his age speak 5-10 words but he says so many more and can even repeat a lot of what we say. What can we say - we raise geniuses!

So now Jack is finally talking and Reed says almost as much as him! I told you all that I would raise them as twins! And by the way, they are not twins! I seriously get asked this question every single day at least once! My friend Kim thought I was kidding but she can now attest to it. Maybe I should buy them shirts that say "Irish Twins!" And then put them in them every day - it would save me a lot of explanation!?

Now, Reed may be very advanced but he is even more serious. No kidding, the guy will stare you down. He very rarely smiles for anyone and only does so when he wants to. I guess he's his own little person and will do what he wants! So he has earned the obvious nickname "Mr. Serious!" His Uncle Nick also named him "train wreck" because he must fall down 100 times a day. He's almost like the ball in a pinball machine. He runs into the table, bounces off of it, into the chair, then into the couch, and then falls down. It's too funny to watch - poor baby Reed!

Okay, so for those keeping track here are the kids weights by comparison - astonishing! Camden 35 lbs., Jackson 32 lbs., and Reed almost 29 lbs.! How's that? I guess the princess has nothing to fear with her LITTLE brothers watching over her!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Introducing our newest member... (it's a doll not a baby)

I am sure that you are all well aware of Camden’s obsession for bearing children but let me share this story with you anyway! Ever since Jack’s arrival Camden has become obsessed with having babies. Maybe “obsessed” isn’t even a strong enough word. She will go weeks on end actually pretending to give birth to her own dolls. When we ask her how many babies she already has she’ll say “3 like you, Mommy” or even up to 8 children. So we’re trying to explain that 8 may be too many and that she needs money to provide for them and so on. Mostly, we just get a little tired of helping her “give birth” a couple of times a day. Her usual comeback is “my husband works hard, like Daddy, and I stay at home!” Very cute!!!

So, last weekend she got yet another doll (thanks Mimi) and she is not a baby doll but a toddler. So now we are in the business of adoption, too! Who would have thought?! So here are some pictures of Miss Skylar Fiona Olowiany (named by her Mommy!) By the way, she is 2 and VERY pink!

(And no jokes on me being the example of giving birth over and over!!!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Fountain fun!

I just had to share these pictures of the kids enjoying the fountains at our local, outdoor mall. This terrible heat seems to send us out there to play about once a week these days. Camden loves showing off (who knew) and I actually caught the boys playing together!

He's gonna be a linebacker, he is!

Okay, so if you know Jack, really know Jack - you know he is all boy! I wasn't hip to all this rough stuff until I become a Mom to a little boy. I was so happy in my world of pink girly stuff like dolls, purses, excessive shoes. You get the picture! Then came Jackson and he rocked my world. He was so easy going and SUCH a good sleeper (don't be jealous!) Skip ahead 2 years and we have ourselves one very crazy and wild toddler. He has absolutely no fear and no “slow” switch and it’s a very dangerous combination.

Last Tuesday night our neighborhood had a “National Night Out” Celebration at the church up the street. Complete with a hot dog dinner (the boys favorite), a bounce house, face painting, balloon animals, games, music. You get the picture. So we sit down to eat dinner and Jack comes full speed ahead. Running to Daddy but mostly to his hot dog. Instead of stopping he bit the picnic table face first. Not just an ordinary picnic table but a stone one - ouch! Blood starts oozing out of, well, everywhere. After about 10 minutes of cleaning off the blood from his mouth and the nose bleed we realize that he’s still got his teeth but one of them is a little smaller than it was before. He slit one of his top, front teeth from top to bottom. Now that little incident didn’t stop him. He got up and was playing again about 10 minutes later. He even managed to pinch and push an 8 year old boy who told Eddie that Jack did it just because he looked at him. What in the world? He is way bigger than Jack - is he crazy?

The dentist says that the biggest part of the tooth is fine but the sliver that he split will either fall out or have to be removed in 2 weeks. Here’s to hoping it falls out before the next appointment Because I certainly don’t look forward to that appointment! Did I mention that he is very strong?

So, the moral of the story is that Jack is indeed a rough, tough toddler and is ALL BOY!!! Lord help me...