Well! Look who finally decided he was ready for underwear? My Little Man!
But be careful because he still wants to be a "baby" sometimes, too! He is so torn! He's fiercely independent 90% of the time but clingy the other 10%. I guess I'll let him be the (3 year old) baby boy!
lovin' the new look, music, etc! Everyone is getting so big and growing so fast. I hope you guys are having a great summer. Can't wait to see the crew when we head to RVA!!!
this is Clare by the way. I had to use my g-mail account to sign the comment since I don't use blogger anymore.
Hi Clare! I knew it was you! Silly girl! Thanks, you inspired me to change it up a little! Perhaps it will make me blog on a regular basis???
I love your new blog! Glad you guys are having fun and doing well. How old is your son? We're working on potty training with Liam but no where near saying goodbye to diapers/pullups. But we'll get there someday I'm sure!
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