One of our favorite places in the world is the Berry Farm! We have been going there to pick pumpkins since before Camden was born. Last year we discovered them at Strawberry time, too. It's so beautiful and peaceful out there (on a weekday afternoon) and they have the best strawberries ever.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Strawberry Patchin'
One of our favorite places in the world is the Berry Farm! We have been going there to pick pumpkins since before Camden was born. Last year we discovered them at Strawberry time, too. It's so beautiful and peaceful out there (on a weekday afternoon) and they have the best strawberries ever.
Jack turned 4...
My "big boy" turned 4 on May 20th! Not sure why, but I am having a hard time with it. FOUR years old - only 1 more year until Kindergarden. Crazy!
These days Jack is riding in a booster seat, doing karate once or twice a week (he is VERY strong), he weighs 41 lbs. and is 41 inches (ironic), he is the size of the average 5 year old, is loving all things pirate and fireman, and likes to pick on his little brother. Jack is all boy (crazy physically and a little on the LOUD side) but also our very loving and sweet boy. Strange combination but wonderful!
He's out of preschool for the summer so we're working on workbooks. Tracing and holding a crayon correctly. And of course, getting him outside to expel some of theat energy. He only does what is interesting to him - such a man.
He is the last of our 3 May birthdays so we'll go out with a bang at his party this weekend!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Camden Elise is S-I-X!!! Part 1
Our beautiful girl turned 6 last Wednesday! It's so hard to believe it's been 6 years already! And she has changed SO much!
Kindergarden has really changed her! She's now writing books for us in addition to her millions of pictures. She's making new friends and pretend playing more than ever. Karate is what she likes (for now) and she wants to do cheerleading in the fall. And she's also a big fan of watching music videos on You-Tube to relax after school. Her favorite artists are Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift. At her 6 year check-up she weighed 43 lbs. and 45 inches (whoch are both right at average for her age.) She just seems so tiny because her brothers (who weigh 40 lbs. each) are such bruisers!
We celebrated with family on her actual birthday and had her party last Saturday. She loved her "Glitzy Girl" party complete with make-up, fake hair, nail painting, and tattoos! They were so cool! And the favorite gift was her very 1st American Girl Doll "Chrissa!" We totally faked her out, too! She asked for the doll onyl about a month ago so we told her she'd have to wait until Chrsitmas because (as you may know) they are "a little" expensive! When she opened the box she almost died! Definitely, the best reaction she's ever had to a gift! Great reward!
So here's to another healthy, happy year full of exciting new adventures with our Mama!
Delaney's 4 month stats
So the girl went to the doctor last week for her 4 month check-up! Here are the stats:
Height: 24 inches (50th percentile) and Weight: 16 lbs. (90th percentile)
WOW! She's a chunk! But a very happy chunk! She is holding toys now and is able to put them in her mouth. She jerks her body around and buries her head when she's happy or excited. Smiles all the time and at everyone. And still sleeps all night -thank goodness. And she has left behind her swing (AKA bed) for the real deal: her crib! Now that she rolls both ways, she's sleeping on her belly in the crib. Gotta get some hair in the back now!
Mother's Day
So it was my first Mother's Day as a Mama of 4!!! How special! Mimi and Pop took the kids overnight the night before so we woke up to just Delaney. And she let us sleep in until 9! Happy Mother's Day to me! We met up with everyone for breakfast that morning. After breakfast we came home and opened my handmade gifts from the kids. Reed made me a coupon book for lots of kisses (sweeet), Camden made me a picture book about the 2 of us (precious)and a potted flower, Jack also made me a potted flower and a book about me (that said I have gray hair and love honey but cheerios - very Jack), and little Delaney had Daddy make me a card (she's 4 months - what do we expect!) We just enjoyed the rest of the day napping and playing! AWESOME Mother's Day!!!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Irish twins!

We think this is so funny! Right now, the boys are both 3 years old! This is what happens when you're 11 1/2 months apart. Irish twins!
Everyone told me that they'd be the best of friends. Two boys born less than a year apart. Ha! They do like each other (when they're getting into trouble together) but they can also be worst enemies. We'll see...
Reed is 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our little man celebrated his third birthday yesterday! It's hard to believe it's been 3 years already! Here are Reed's newest tricks:
- Talking in full-on paragraphs
- Using the word "NO" to answer everything
- Still climbing everything in sight
- Nicknames: beatle, Dr. No, Reedy McGreedy, Little man, Buddy
- Finishing up his first year of preschool
- Writes and colors using his left and right hands but holds a bat and glove left-handed
- Draws pictures of many things but they are all basically a circle with lots of legs and some eyes
- He already weighs almost 40 lbs. and is wearing 4T (again, he's just 3)
We are so lucky to have out little Reed!!!
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