Saturday, October 10, 2009

Preschool Pumpkin Patchin'

Yesterday, we took our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch! It was so beautiful and the boys had a blast playing, being loud, playing in the dirt and corn kernels... And Miss D just went along for the ride! Taking it all in - such a girl!

Random pictures

Just a few random pictures of the Fabulous Four!!!

Noah and Jackie Visit VA

Last week my girlfriend, Jackie, and her son Noah (11 months) came to visit! Delaney loves Noah and the feeling is mutual :-) They were super cute together! I loved catching up with Jackie and snuggling little Noah. Man! Things sure have changed since our ZTA days!!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Visit from FL

Yippee! A visit from Nana, Papa, and Uncle Steven! It was just what we needed - a few days with some of our favorite people! Wish Christmas would hurry up!

Preschool days are here again!

Okay - so preschool started way back on September 14th! But preschool days ARE here again! And the boys are loving it!

Jack is in his last year of preschool :-( He is in love with 2 little girls but still insists he is marrying ME and Ava! And, as always, loves playing rough with the other boys. You'd think he'd get all his energy out there but I think his energy has no end!

Reed is enjoying his new classroom and all the cook new toys! His favorite day is music day! He's starting to memorize notes and words to new songs and likes playing the instruments. Reed has even told us that he now plays with other kids! That may seem silly but he usually likes some time to himself (I wonder why?!)

We are so lucky to have such a wonderful place to send our boys to! They are loved and treated so well! Also, learning more and more everyday! AND Mommy and Delaney get some alone time!!!