
Announcing the arrival of MISS Delaney Drew Olowiany!!!
Our little "ladybug" joined the family on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009. We got to the hospital at a very early 5 am and by 6:45 I was walking back to the OR for the c-section. It was pretty complication free. I had a spinal block and experienced my usual nausea. Within a couple of minutes, Dr. Weatherford was announcing that the baby was almost out. The next thing I knew Eddie was saying "I was right, you were wrong. It's a GIRL!" It took me a few minutes to process that what I truly believed was a boy was actually a girl. Then Eddie, the nurse, and the Dr. all said "Camden will be so happy!" Also, the name debate ended because the only name we agreed on was the girl name! By the way, my boy choice rocked and is now up for grabs - Beckett!
She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 inches. So she was 1/2 lb. more than Camden and the same length. The boys each weighed 1/2 - 1 lb. more and were a whole inch longer. I guess that's why she seems so little to us!
When she came out she had a little trouble with extra fluid in her lungs. She cried on and off but the nurses wanted to be sure it was all gone so they called the NICU nurses. They remained very calm and kept us updated. Once the NICU nurse gave us the all clear I finally got to meet her. She looked just like Camden and Reed! So beautiful! Then we were headed back to our room. Once we got there, we announced to my girlfriend/extra nurse, Michelle, that we got another girl! Then she met Delaney and the nurse sent Delaney off to the nursery for further monitoring, with Eddie in tow.
After the pain meds finally arrived my parents, the kids, and my sister-in-law, Nichol, made their way to the room for the big announcement. Everyone gave their gender guesses and I announced that she was a girl! Camden was in total shock for about a day that she got the sister she wanted. What a great moment! Then, we called Nana! Who had insisted that the baby was a girl for 9 months!
We spent the next couple of days at the hospital getting to know her and being pampered by the wonderful nurses. My Mom stayed with the kids and they came to visit daily.
Very surprisingly, we were hospital roomies with some friends from college, Evan and Tracy. They had their baby on Monday so we got to cacth up with them and meet the little one before they went home. How crazy is that?
The boys are doing great with her! They fluctate between wanting to see her and forgetting she is here. We were a little worried that Reed would be jealous but he isn't. Camden wants to hold her all the time and holds her very well. It's so wonderful to see them all together! Our little brood we have dubbed "The Fantastic Four!"
Enough for now! Enjoy the pictures of our beautiful new addition1 She is such a sweet girl! We have been so blessed!