Yippee! I LOVE Ikea! They have helped us organize the kids toys so that they can see them all. Therefore, playing with everything. Not just dumping bins to see what's in them. You know what I mean!
We have the best bookcase/toy organizer now! It's the 4 bins down by 4 bins across thing. It's my favorite piece and it's tethered to the wall for safety. Not that anyone I know would pull it over, of course! We have a smaller bin holder for trains, kitchen stuff, lego's, matchbox cars, etc. Love it, too! Then the rest of the room is divided into "center's." A preschool term for our "cafe," "train table," "play area" for reading or puzzles, and the top of the book shelf is the "library." Camden has named them all - very well I might add! We even have a clothes line thing to hang up art. Thanks Parents magazine for that idea. No more taping pictures everywhere.
Just thought you'd like to see this toy room/preschool. I LOVE to organize and am apparently nesting!