Okay, so I have decided to do a little update on each of the kids as not to overwhelm you or me! Up first is Reed since he tunred 18 months old yesterday - that's right! He is now 1 1/2!!!
Mr. Reed is about 29-30 lbs. these days and proudly wearing a size 2T! YES, strangers at the mall, grocery store,... He IS a big boy! He can talk so well that his pediactrician was blown away. He can repeat most of what we say, uses sentences, follows commands, and finally understands the words coming out of our mouths - it rocks! He must realize he's the youngest and we are a little busy because he can handle himself. Take him to the playground and he can get himself up and down, go down the slide on his own, and even wants to ride the big kid swing. But do not cross him or he will literally yell at you. Guess the 3rd kid's got to demand our attention!
He enjoys giving kisses to everyone and everything (think Halloween pumpkins!) And he still walks like he just started. We like to say he's just following his feet as they are obviously in control. And Reed and Jack finally like each other! Before, they were mostly in competition for the same toys but now I think they like each other. They even hold hands in the car!
And Reed's big news is - he has moved to a toddler bed!!! Not by my choice (Camden and Jack moved over closer to 2) but he was crawling out of his crib and wouldn't stay in it. It seemed more dangerous to allow him to keep climbing out. So we took the front rail off his crib and added the guard and a pillow and there he is! Happy as can be! And that's an update on our little Reed! Gotta love him - look at those eyes!!!
By the way, the brown bear in the pictures is Reed's main man, RJ!